Elevate Your Experience, Where Cigars and Community Ignite Sophistication.
Primo Lounge by The American Cigar Co. blends tradition and modernity, honoring American cigar heritage with sophistication and inclusivity. Coming soon to locations around the world, it’s a welcoming space where quality, connection, and luxury come together.
Highest-quality filtration and ventilation systems
Curated Cigar Selection offering 'In-house' and 'Legacy' brands
Certified Cigar Sommelier staff
Cigar pairings include
Fine Spirits & Cocktails by Primo Mixology
Wines and Beers
Coffees, teas, soft beverages
Small plates menu
Private cigar lockers
Experiences led by Master Cigar Sommeliers
Select entertainment with live Jazz and Blues
Private Rooms for Members and more.
American hospitality redefined: Where comfort meets premium experiences.